Thursday, April 25, 2013

Managed metadata column is empty, even though it can be filtered

We experienced a peculiar problem with a SharePoint list today.  One of the columns in the list is a managed metadata column, which allows the administrator of this site to add terms themselves.

Although the user could browse the metadata and create new terms, the document library view showed no data in this column.  Viewing the document properties showed the terms correctly, so the data was being saved, but it just didn't show up in the view.

What made this even more peculiar is that you could still filter by that column, and the filter worked correctly - it just didn't show anything in the column.  This didn't affect farm administrators, only end-users.

It didn't take much searching the web to find a solution (thanks but it seemed worthy of mention here.

It appears that when an end-user adds a term to managed metadata, a hidden list (called TaxonomyHiddenList) is updated with the new term added as a new list item.  The TaxonomyHiddenList is found at http://sharepoint/Lists/TaxonomyHiddenList (where "sharepoint" is the root site collection).  The permissions for this list were not inheriting from the root site collection, so only SHAREPOINT\system had access to this list.

I added NT AUTHORITY\authenticated users with Read access to the list, and the problem mentioned above instantly vanished, and the managed metadata column was populated.

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